What is Flow Cytometry?

Posted by Kristy Galkowski on Apr 29, 2019 12:10:33 PM

BZ flow cytometry podcast

What is Flow Cytometry?

Flow cytometry is a versatile tool used for analyzing parameters on an individual cell basis. Originating from the 1950s, the technology measures fluorescence associated with cells, using refracted or emitted light. In this interview with Dr. Clara Brando and Mr. Ted Baginski, they explore current research, applications, challenges when developing assays, technological improvements and regulations and standards in the field of flow cytometry.


Click Here to Listen to Interview



With the continual growth of the biopharmaceutical industry, it is vital that scientists understand the impact of biological drugs on the immune system, examining immunological changes to determine drug-related effects at an individuals cell level. Especially with biologics, flow cytometry can aid in assessing safety, pharmacodynamics and receptor occupancy.

This is made possible through flow cytometry analysis, enabling the rapid collection of data related to multiple parameters from a heterogeneous cell mixture. It is a key technique employed by scientists to rapidly profile large populations of cells.

  • An introduction into how flow cytometry works
  • Key advances in technology over the years
  • Challenges of flow cytometry including reference materials
  • Developing applications for flow cytometry (e.g. detection/measurement)



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Tags: Bioanalytical Testing, Cellular Response, Development, BioPharma, Immunology, Flow Cytometry

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